2. Avoid eating and drinking too much before bedtime. Foods that too much will cause the stomach to be uncomfortable, while drinking too much will cause your back often to urinate. Of course both these circumstances kenyenyakan will disturb your sleep.
3. Sleep in a comfortable environment. At bedtime, turn off the lights, turn off the sound menimbulan matters, make sure you are comfortable with your sleeping room temperature. Keep your clock from view because it can make you anxious because they can not sleep while the clock more soluble.
4. Reduce consume drinks that are stimulants or who makes you awake, such as tea, coffee. alcohol and cigarettes. This drink will cause you to wake up which of course you do not need if you want to sleep.
5. Makananlah snacks that contain little carbohydrates before bed, if available, add a glass of warm milk.
6. Go take a shower with warm water 30 minutes or an hour before bedtime. Warm water bath will cause sedation or stimulate sleep. Also, warm baths are also reduces ketengangan body.
7. Stop watching TV, reading books, at least an hour before bedtime.
8. Use your bed for sleeping. This will help your body adjust to the environment in which to sleep. When you lie in bed, then there will be stimulus for sleep.
9. Perform regular relaxation activities. Listening to music, practicing breathing, meditation and others will help slow down the process that occurs in the body so that your body becomes more relaxed. This situation will mempemudah you to sleep.
10. Clear his mind. Away with all your mind descend concerns. One way to do this is to write down all your thoughts through the blog media.
11. Sleep and wake up in a regular time period every day. Sleep time of chaos will disrupt your sleep later.