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Kelimutu Lake, eastern Indonesian tourism

Kelimutu Lake, eastern Indonesian tourism

Journey to Flores Island specially to Ende will be uncomplete without visiting the Lake of Three colour Kelimutu. Kelimutu Lake represent the lake which has a lot of story and mystery. For me that lake are the most unique of lake in the world.

This lake area is first time found by Van Such Telen, Dutch citizen in the year 1915.
Area of Lake Kelimutu about 51 kilometre from Ende Town.

The lake are known to be three colourly, that is red, blue, and turn white. Nevertheless, the colour always fluctuate along with time goes. Just now, two colour from that third lake is chocolate, while other is green.

Lake Or Tiwu Kelimutu consist for three shares matching with colour in each lake. blue Chromatic lake, the rose colored Lake and white chromatic lake.

Colour of Kelimutu non-stoped to change. That change might possibly because of mineral content, influence type of moss and amethyst in the cauldron. For the locals that colour change has the separate meaning.

That third lake about 1.051.000 metre sqaure with the volume irrigate 1.292 million meter cubic. boundary beetwen the lake is tight, narrow and erosive stoned wall. the Precipitous wall own the inclination angle 70 degree with the height of among 50 until 150 metre.

Tricolour lake in the top of crater Kelimutu becoming one of the world miracle, it's really charming with the beauty and the mystery in top of the mountain as high as 1.690 metre above the sea level.

Mount Kelimutu have erupted at 1886 and leave three cauldron in form of the lake and specified as national park since 26 Februari 1992. Kelimutu also represent the good place for taking a fancy to hiking and enjoy the tropical mountain countryside area.

Kelimutu represent the word merger from "Keli" meaning mount and "mutu" word meaning to boil. According to local resident belief, colour of at lake Kelimutu own the meaning of each and have the power of the very awful nature.

Morning is best time to witness the beauty of lake Kelimutu. While before high noon, and surely evening, usually view of lake Kelimutu will be blocked by thick fog.

Besides view of lake Kelimutu, we can also see dissimilar natural beauty in National Park of Kelimutu just like Protected Forest which is a lot of growed by the grove of pine and fir-tree and also birds chirp dwelling area of National Park Kelimutu.

Natural resources of Lake Kelimutu supported also with the cultural properties in the form of custom house, folk dance and crafting weave to fasten representing local citizen individuality. Others also, there are hot water source, waterfall, and countrified of custom which fun to visit. When you will pay a visit there, the most precise time is during the month of July until September.

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